Insights dashboard shows only 1 course


We recently manage to show insights analytics following this guide in a single machine. So we have analytics environment in one machine and the Edx platform in another machine.

We are able to log into insights and see the dashboard page but there is only 1 course in it.

Its strange because we can navigate to a course changing the id of the course in inner URLs, f.e. https://…analytics…/courses/[COURSE_ID]/engagement/content/ but it fails loading content

I have a lot of questions :smiley: but the main thing is: where is the missing data and why can I access to courses within its ID? Is there a problem connecting to MySQL? is that HDFS do not have content? Is it a problem running remote tasks (in this case, which of them)?

We are experimenting problems running tasks (I’ve added a Topic on this matter)

Thanks for any help
