Updated language file, but it didn't update

Hi there, if I want to change translation in file
How I can see updates in site?

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If I am not mistaken, this particular file (django.po) is automatically created from the other .po files that are noted in your config.yaml file here:

If you want to make changes locally and not in Transifex, you must make the appropriate translations to the .po files (probably ‘django-partial.po’ and ‘django-studio.po’ or ‘djangojs-partial.po’, ‘djangojs-studio.po’ ) that are mentioned in the config.yaml (as “edxapp” user) and after that, you must go to the following directory:
and run first the following:

paver i18n_extract

And then:

paver i18n_generate

After that if there is no error the translations will be applied to your platform.

Just don’t forget before running the above commands to load the edxapp user’s virtual environment by running this:

source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env

You can find all these information and much more here:

In the above link you can also find information about making the translation changes to Transifex and then downloading them to your platform.

hi @Chack
run below lines to create .mo file from .po file

python manage.py lms compilemessages
python manage.py cms compilemessages

then run restart

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart lms 
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart cms