Updating JavaScript libraries ironwood


I found this topic on the same matter yet it has not been answered a year before.

Is it possible to update the JavaScript libraries without messing the native installation?

Specifically I have to update the Lodash and Moment.js libraries on ironwood

If you upgrade any of the used libraries in the platform, there is no guarantee that it will not break anything, unless you make a thorough test of the whole platform after the change.
The only safe way of updating the libraries is actually upgrading the platform to the latest version. Ironwood is quite old… what is preventing you to migrate to a recent one? Quince is quite stable, and Redwood is out now. These are great releases and have a lot of cool features.

Ok understood about the npm command on ubuntu. That might have quite an impact on my native installation.

I do not know how much time will take me to upgrade to another version. I do not currently have the time for long readings on upgrading that is all. Yet if you suggest that this process has to take place I will give it a try. The contents of what I already have uploaded must come intact to the new version.

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