Where did i find _override.scss in indigo theme that is applyed in authn mfe?

i want by default authn page not by indigo theme . i checked when i enable indigo theme it apply theme in authn page . is it possible to avoid authn mfe to not themed by indgo ??

@jill , have any thoughts on , i mentioned here as i seen your reply in post that your are frontend developer

Hi @vivek , you can change themes or disable indigo theme if you don’t want that theme to be active.

we can’t do something like partially apply theme like to apply for other mfes and exclude authn mfe

Hi @vivek,
Yes, You can apply the theme for other MFEs and exclude the authn MFE. For this purpose, you need to customize the tutor-indigo package and install that one. For customizing it, follow the below steps.

  • Goto your cloned tutor-indigo/tutorindigo/plugin.py file

  • Remove the below lines and save it

RUN npm install '@edx/brand@npm:@edly-io/indigo-brand-openedx@^1.0.0'
  • Install this tutor-indigo package and run tutor config save

  • Now, build the MFE image by tutor images build mfe

  • You can now run tutor local start and able to view the default authn page.

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