Which version of Open edX is preferable for development?

Hello Folks,

As a very new user of openedx, I have some ideas which are quite similar to those presented by openedx. I intend to use openedx for both development and production. Could you please help me to understand which version is stable and better to use for the same? Please assist me in installing it as well.

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If you are making changes to the platform itself, I always recommend using the master version of Open edX. The codebase is constantly changing, so if you develop against an older release, you may need to do a lot of work to port it to the latest version. And in any case, changes to introduce new features are only accepted for the master (development) version.

If you are making a plugin like an XBlock, it doesn’t matter as much. You can use the latest named release (“Palm”) or master, whichever is easier for you. It’s probably better to use Palm if you’re also going to be using the plugin in a Palm instance that you host.

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Your advice has been very helpful to me. Thank you for providing me with such valuable information.

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