403 SignatureDoesNotMatch while uploading H5p

After upgrading instance from Palm to Redwood, uploading H5p content showed error 403 SignatureDoesNotMatch. I had debug this issue and found out that it was caused because the link being appended with a signed URL.
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To fix this, just add MINIO_QUERYSTRING_AUTH with value set to false

Saving those debugging hours for everyone😂


Thanks for making this post @zameel7 !!

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There has been an issue after doing this. I was able to upload and use the H5p without any issues but the download option for exported course had issues. While trying to download, I got an error saying: The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.

As per this commit, I added a new storage for H5p and then changed the MINIO_QUERYSTRING_AUTH to true itself. This fixed the issues.