As the picture shows, the link in red is “https://mylms/reset”. To click the link ,the edx will show “The page that you were looking for was not found. Go back to the homepage .”
Is there any suggestion to fix this?
It seems like you are missing some configuration settings, but we need more details to be sure of that.
Can you explain a bit how you set up your instance, and which options did you choose?
You can also change these settings by editing the /edx/etc/lms.yml and /edx/etc/studio.yml files in the instance you deployed the platform. Once you update the LMS and CMS URLs, you need to restart the services so that the new configuration loads.
Once the platform has the right values, they will propagate throughout the platform - and that link should start working.
As the picture (error001) . When I move the mouse upon the link of the lock message, the browser will show the link on bottom left . That is correct and it is the same as the EDXAPP_LMS_BASE.
Besides, the link “Forgot my password” is working. The link “Forgot my password” is the same URL. (https://lms/reset . ) I guess that both the links are to do the “password reset”. Might the problem be lost something ( like : parameter,form…or others ) for the url “reset” ?