Activate the CourseTalk Widget in the Ironwood release

Can you please help with CourseTalk Widget functionality within the open EDX.
I am investigating the possibility of activating the CourseTalk widget for the Ironwood release.

  • I can see it was added on the Ficus release.
  • I can see it was deleted from the Lilac release and onwards - link
  • I tried to activate this using the documentation but CourseTalk is not in the admin page.
  • I tried to activate this using the course_experience.show_reviews_tool waffle flag from this post (with the same result)

Is it possible to activate CourseTalk widget for the Ironwood release?

Any help will be much appreciated ))

There were some changes done to the CourseReview widget before ironwood was released in this pull request.

It looks like adding the waffle flag should be enough to activate the feature. I suggest you double check whether the waffle flag is configured correctly.