Can not access external link - minio plugin

hi all.
I setup a openedx local on tutor, it work fine, i can access domain lms, cms with https.
But when i enable minio plugin, i can not access minio domain: or, do not have any logs on canddy about my minio domain: tutor local logs --follow caddy, only Browser show me error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, This site can’t provide a secure connection.
I enbled plugin by guide in this link: (GitHub - overhangio/tutor-minio: MinIO plugin for Tutor) , i see my minio plugin enabled, then restart openedx: tutor local launch.

With few informations above, someone can give me some idea, keywork to resloved my issue.
Thank you all !!!

pls help me, i still cann’t resolved my issue.

i know what is wrong. DNS challenge must be done before tutor launch

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