Error 403 Minio openedx

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Hello everyone, recently I have installed tutor with k8s and I have created minio with tutor plugins enable minio everything was going well until I want to export or import a course I always get the same error

I have already done everything, I have even tried creating an external application that connects to minio and it actually works but openedx does not want to connect

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We encountered a similar issue with tutor-minio version 16.0.3. If you’re using the same version, you’ll need to update the plugin to version 16.0.4, where this issue has been resolved. You can find the updated release here

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Hi @thekingf4 & @thekingf4,

Recently I have tutor 17.0.2 with k8s in Azure and I used tutor minio plugins by which support import course function. I have checked my Azure storage found the created buckets by the installation. However, the import course function stop and show error after upload step.

tutor k8s logs --follow cms and the error also display in frontend too
Error: An error occurred (InvalidPart) when calling the CompleteMultipartUpload operation: One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part may not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag may not match the part’s entity tag.

Secondly, I successfully uploaded 50Mb pdf files in Files & Upload in studio. Could it be some static image files cause to this error? The tar.gz course is actually export from Canvas LMS and then use the tool converted into tar.gz format. Thirdly, the import course function is working fine when tutor local and not using minio.

I would appreciate any your ideas. Thank you

Does anyone meet this error before? And Does anyone successfully use tutor minio in Azure storage for import course? Thank you