Why is it necessary to rebuild the image when changing the theme? It is very easy to make mistakes during the process. What are the ways to avoid rebuilding the image when setting the theme?
The easiest way to develop a theme is to use a development instance, it has the option to autocompile the changes without the need to rebuild the image.
Once the theme is finished, you just apply it and remake the image in production.
I have installed indigo theme, but I want to make some changes. I have read the official document, which says then you must rebuild the openedx docker image:, and each rebuild will consume a lot of time
If you make the development instance and develop the theme in it, the compilation is done as it detects the changes, without having to remake the image, I think you didn’t read the documentation since it clearly says so there.
With the theme finished, now you need to build the image for the production instance
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