Being new here I might be overlooking something basic…
I want to have my students check boxes but there should be no correct answer. Either checked or uncheck should be “correct” or acceptable.
To explain more it is for a field trip where the student check boxes for what they have seen and experienced.
I tried to do a survey but it is not completely what I am looking for. I cannot add instructions, only the feedback afterwards, and I am not planning to gather the data from the survey. I simply want the student to be able to check off items.
If I simply use a checkbox problem and mark all as correct the student need to check every item.
Hi @Roline,
Welcome to the community.
You set this at the Subsection level from the Course Outline.
(1) Navigate to your Course Outline and click the Configure Icon (i.e. the Gear Icon) at the Subsection level:
(2) Under the Visibility tab, go ahead and click the highlighted section in the below screenshot:
(3) This is what I have as my checkbox:
>>Use this checklist to keep tabs on which animals you've seen at the zoo today! || We've listed the animals in alphabetical order to make it easier for you to find them in the list. :) <<
[ ] Ant
[ ] Beaver
[ ] Camel
[ ] Deer
[ ] Earwig
[ ] Zebra
(4) Here is the result that just says “Answer submitted”:
Thank you Dean. This is most helpful.
Hi Dean and all in this awesome community.
I need to setup 5 problems each problem having different points eg question one has 3 correct answers and i need to give it 3 points problem number 2 is also a multiple choice group with 4 correct answers and i need to give it 4 points.
below when the student submit , the total is out of 7 points.
I have used partial EDC and problem weight somoehow i cnt seem to get it right.
is there i template that i could use to fill in my questions with points below each question .
iam creating a fromative assessment.
Your assistance is of a life changer considering the responsibility i have been assigned in our organisation
Hi @Norman
Sorry for the late reply.
Okay let’s work on this together. I hope I understood the question correctly.
Let’s say you have this group of multiple choice problems:
Then you can click Edit and set the problem weigh accordingly:
Let me know if this helps, else we can continue trying something else.
You may also want to explore the grading policy page where you can set weighting for each assignment type: