Confirming Core Contributor Sprints

Hi guys, I need your vote! Let’s come to a consensus on our CC sprint timelines :slight_smile: Within the CC program, we practice two week sprints. With this in mind, when would you like sprints to start and end?

Things to consider before voting:

  • The Sprint Retrospective Questionnaire (Listaflow) will need to be completed before the next sprint starts
  • Some reading suggests that starting sprints “mid-week” (Tuesdays, Wednesdays) allows teams to enjoy the weekend due to the decoupled start of the weekend and sprint finish. Resources: Best Day to Start a Sprint (It Ends in Y) | Best day to start your sprint?. What are your thoughts?
  • As we work in so many different timezones, @jill made the point of making it clear what the “end of sprint” time is in UTC. So I think it’s a good idea that any documentation reflects the start / end in a specific timezone.
When should Core Contributor Sprints Start and End?
  • Start Monday and end the next Friday
  • Start Tuesday and end the next Monday
  • Start Wednesday and end the next Tuesday

0 voters

If you have any feedback on the suggested approach, or have alternative suggestions, let me know :slight_smile: For more information about this conversation, scroll to the top of this thread ^

FYI @sarina @antoviaque

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