Here is the report for the core contributors sprint from June 10-26th 2023. I’m covering for @Dean on this edition
Time contributed (2 weeks sprint)
A total of 330 hours have been contributed by 20 participants. The average is:
Core contributor | Hours contributed |
Adolfo R. Brandes | 60 |
Juan Montoya | 60 |
Kyle McCormick | 50 |
Andrés González | 20 |
Esteban Etcheverry | 20 |
Maria Grimaldi | 20 |
Matjaz Gregoric | 15 |
Braden | 12 |
Zia Fazal | 9 |
Ali Hugo | 8 |
Xavier Antoviaque | 7.75 |
Jill | 7.25 |
Felipe Montoya | 7 |
Pierre Mailhot | 7 |
Ignacio (Nacho) Despujol Zabala | 5.5 |
Cassie | 5 |
Farhaan | 5 |
Piotr | 4 |
Fox | 3 |
Gabriel | 2.25 |
Kshitij | 2 |
And a reasonably productive sprint, though half of the respondents rated it 3 out of 5, or less:
Blockers & improvements needed
- Yes! I’d love it if the community could vote on the poll I created to Confirm Core Contributor Sprints: Confirming Core Contributor Sprints - #12 by Cassie . Once we’ve confirmed this we can align our various resources, and tools (like Listaflow sprint check ins) (Cassie Zamparini)
- Would be useful to make progress on the topic of PR review delays, comments would be helpful to take good decisions - Pull Requests Review Delays (Xavier Antoviaque)
What went well?
- Aspects development is proceeding well, huge thanks to Brian Mesick and eduNEXT’s Cristhian Garcia and Maria Grimaldi! (Jill Vogel)
- Glad to see discussions about the CC program sprint process. Kudos, Cassie Zamparini! (Jill Vogel)
- And we had 3 successful CC nominations this month! Posted about them on Contributors Meetup Async Update - May 31st, 2023 - June 23rd, 2023 - #2 (Jill Vogel)
- Collaborating with Régis to make sure the ecommerce plugin on the Palm Demo server was functional (Pierre Mailhot)
- Important discussions held during the core contributor meetup (Xavier Antoviaque)
- Special thanks to Stefania Trabucchi and Nicole Kessler for all the activity and engagement before and during the event.
(Juan Montoya)
Work done
- Getting frontend-app-communications and frontend-app-ora-grading into Palm, getting frontend-app-learner-dashboard and frontend-app-library-authoring in an experimental but usable state in Palm, via openedx-tutor-plugins (Adolfo R. Brandes)
- Keeping up with developments in frontend theming (Kshitij Sobti)
Product & UX
- Coordinating a meeting on 6/13 with stakeholders from ASU, Axim, 2U, and OpenCraft to discuss how we’ll move forward with Graded Discussions. Jenna, Aamir and Elizabeth will write a product spec for the MVP that will meet minimum requirements for ASU, as well as deliver value to 2U. Once the spec is finalised I can begin working on the UX. (Cassie Zamparini)
- Coordinating possible overlaps with OpenCraft’s LTI 1.3 Centralization and Reusability v2 with other community projects (Cassie Zamparini)
- Reviewed and answered all the questions from the woocommerce plugin documents (Felipe Montoya)
- Tested and approved a bunch of Aspects (FKA OARS) PRs (Jill Vogel)
- Reviewed couple of OARs related PRs 304 and 301 and one Palm fix (Zia Fazal)
Release & testing
- Collaborated with Régis to make sure the ecommerce plugin was working with Palm on June 12 / June 13 (Pierre Mailhot)
- Rebasing our fork of Open edX and trying an upgrade of one of our test instance from Olive to Palm on June 14 / June 15 (Pierre Mailhot)
- Continuing to monitor the poll I created to Confirm Core Contributor Sprints: Confirming Core Contributor Sprints - #12 by Cassie (Cassie Zamparini)
- Discussions about review delays Pull Requests Review Delays (Xavier Antoviaque)
- OEP for escalation process to TOC - Follow-up - docs: OEP 63 - TOC Arbitration (Draft) by antoviaque · Pull Request #484 · openedx/open-edx-proposals · GitHub (Xavier Antoviaque)
- Reviewed some translations for fr_CA in Transifex (Pierre Mailhot)
Documentation & training
- Wikipedia article preparation (Esteban Etcheverry)
- Upstreaming course - Review contribution to drag and drop exercise Community-maintained onboarding courses · Issue #11 · openedx/wg-coordination · GitHub (Xavier Antoviaque)
Meetings & events
- Open edX Meetup - June 2023 edition (rehearsals with speakers, coordination, MC and recording) MWG (Esteban Etcheverry)
- Presented the progress of the Unidigital project at the eventbrite meeting (Felipe Montoya)
- Attendance to the emoocs 2023 conference as part of the group representing Open edX (Juan Montoya)
- Answered questions on (Jill Vogel, Xavier Antoviaque)
- Working groups meetings
Plans for next sprint
- I plan to set up interviews with a handful of Core Contributors to get their feedback on the processes the group currently follows (Ali Hugo)
- Reviewing Aspects PRs, and may have time to do some Aspects dev too (Jill Vogel)
- On vacation from Jun 16 to July 02. Only available one week for the next sprint (Pierre Mailhot)
- TOC Meeting (delayed from previous sprint), Upstreaming course (test recording & write instructions) (Xavier Antoviaque)
And response rate remains constant at ~40% responses:
The detail and raw data are available on the report page for this sprint in Listaflow.