Core contributor nomination: Ignacio Despujol, aka Nacho

I would like to nominate @ndespujol for a core contributor role, as project manager. You might know him from various community initiatives, like his role in the Open edX TOC, in expanding the presence of Open edX in Spanish universities, or helping me in the development of the election process of TOC community members, making the research around the election process in other core contributor communities:

He is the MOOC initiative coordinator of Universitat Politècnica de València and has been working with Open edX since they started using the platform in 2014. He has been appointed as one of the initial TOC community members, where he has participated in the strategy setting meetings held during this year, and in the development of the election process of TOC community members. He is also leading the initiative of several universities from Spain to expand Open edX with 500,000 euros of European Union funding, a project that he presented to the community in the Lisboa Open edX conference. He is also a participant to the recently created “Open edX for Campus use” working group, to keep the project aligned with the broader community and make Open edX one of the best on campus LMS.

For the time commitment, I asked @ndespujol who said:

“I am going to be leading the project of the Spanish universities in 2022 and 2023 and I will be in the Toc at least until the end of this year, so we can say that I will be committing 20 hours per month to the open edx project.”

As usual, this is a 2 weeks review, until September 26th.

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I endorse @ndespujol 's nomination. Very appreciative of his work expanding the use of Open edX, and for helping to formalize the TOC.


Thanks @antoviaque, I also welcome @ndespujol to the core commiter program by voting yes to the nomination in the role of Project Manager.

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I would be excited for @ndespujol to become a Core Contributor :+1:

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Even if I probably never had any direct interaction with him, I’ve known about his role in the community for years. As a result, I also endorse @ndespujol for a core contributor role based on what he has done in the past, in his current role in the Open edX TOC and in the future.

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Similarly a :+1: from me, echoing everything that’s already been said. Thanks for being part of the community @ndespujol !

Thank you very much to all for endorsing me!

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Hi all,

At this point the nomination thread is closed and @ndespujol is a Core Contributor. Congrats :confetti_ball: :exclamation:

@ndespujol - please review and follow the instructions to get up and running.
