Core contributor nomination: Samuel Paccoud

I would also like to nominate Samuel Paccoud, also for a project manager role as a core contributor.

The TOC board member Catherine Mongenet has recently suggested Samuel as a replacement for her board seat, until the end of her current term at the end of 2022. If confirmed Samuel would be contributing as a TOC board member in the coming months. (Edited to reflect the fact that the change hasn’t been enacted)

Additionally, here are a few of the contributions from Samuel to the Open edX project & community:

@sampaccoud Could you post the time/commitment you would put into the core contributor role (including your work as TOC member)?

As usual, this is a 2 weeks review, until September 26th.


Thanks @antoviaque :pray: I can commit 20 hours monthly.


Definitely a YES from me as we here at EDUlib have collaborated with FUN and Samuel on Richie in the past :+1:

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Big :+1: from me too :smile: FUN are passionate and involved contributors to Open edX, and @sampaccoud has been backing the platform for years. Thank you for your past work, and what is yet to come!


I vote yes to this nomination. I first got a glimpse into the work of @sampaccoud at FUN many years ago and I think they have brought great ideas into the OpenedX ecosystem.
I am also very much in favour of the push to make LTI and xAPI first class citizens.

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Late to the party but - impressive set of contributions! I look forward to your continued participation in the community, @sampaccoud !

That is to say: :+1: from me!

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Hi all,

At this point the nomination thread is closed and @sampaccoud is a Core Contributor. Congrats :confetti_ball: :exclamation:

@sampaccoud - please review and follow the instructions to get up and running.
