Core Contributor Nomination: Miguel and Mikel Amigot

Please make a separate nomination thread and call out Miguel’s previous contributions, and we will discuss on that thread. Thanks!

From OEP-54:

An existing CC (“sponsor”) chooses to nominate a community member (“sponsored candidate”) for a new CC position

I wrote that intending to mean nominate 1 community member, not multiple. Could you please let me know what is unclear and a suggested rewording? Thanks!

Following that phrase, I would write: “Note: Only one community member can be nominated, within a discourse thread, at a time.”

Here, I would add that anyone interested in the code contributor role should submit past examples of code contributions. It would be great to highlight this in the nomination doc as well.

Sure. Please feel free to edit that wiki page. I thought it was clear that you had to demonstrate the “3C’s” to be a Core Contributor, so that nomination threads (for any role!) would have to show how you demonstrated the 3C’s. Since that seems clear to me, it is difficult to figure out how to reword the pages to make that clear. I can try!

In OEP-54, it says:

This post introduces the candidate, describes in a few paragraphs why they are suited to join the program, and provides links to examples of previous Open edX work (for example, pull requests).

I have made some edits at fix: clarify CC noms require evidence of past contributions by sarina · Pull Request #355 · openedx/open-edx-proposals · GitHub to clarify further that this should show how they have worked within the community to advance Open edX. I edited the wiki page to mostly point at OEP-54 as the one place where the process is defined (we should not be defining the same process in two places).

Ok great, thanks!

I saw the other thread that was split from this.
In that case, this thread remains for the vote on Mikel Amigot for the marketing core contributor role. Correct?

If so, then my vote is still yes.


I too vote :+1: for Mikel Amigot as a new marketing core contributor.

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Just in case it gets lost in al the discussion, I still vote yes for Mikel Amigot for the marketing core contributor role.

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I also vote yes to nominate Mikel Amigot as a CC for the marketing role :+1:

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