Core Contributor Sprint Retro: 2023-05-27 - 2023-06-10

Thanks @Dean !

@sarina We have some new developers starting in the team - so maybe we could get one or two of them to try your course? @arunmozhi what do you think?

This was brought up during the contributor meetup yesterday, and some of us will have a look and comment :slight_smile: CC @Felipe

@pdpinch I don’t know, but I see some related PRs from 2U/edX at Pull requests · openedx/edx-platform · GitHub@Kelly_Buchanan would you know who could help to provide documentation about the feature?

@pdpinch I don’t know either :slight_smile: but I see some notifications-related PRs from 2U via Arbisoft at Pull requests · openedx/edx-platform · GitHub I think? @Zia.Fazal @Zia_Fazal would you know who could help to provide documentation about the feature?

@pdpinch This came up in the past, though more for commit descriptions – the outcome of the discussion back then was this change: E0d/proposed footer changes by e0d · Pull Request #348 · openedx/open-edx-proposals · GitHub – the linking is allowed in commits (and by extension in PR descriptions?), but it shouldn’t be an optional footnote, not something part of the title or necessary to understand the ticket.

Do you have some examples that don’t follow this guideline? We could reach out to their authors to remind them of the rule on their PRs? Happy to help with this.

@pdpinch Do we have a rule/decision somewhere about this? I remember discussions about this in the past, though not sure if we ended up taking a proper decision on it? If so, we could do something similar – if not, we could establish a rule?

Looks like these have been reviewed and merged in the meantime :slight_smile: :+1:

And an additional topic that came up during the contributor meetup yesterday – there is now a disconnect between the dates of the core contributor sprints, which come up every two weeks, and the contributor meetup which happens twice a month. It is ok most of the time, but since a month is slightly more than 4 weeks, it ended up drifting. So we discussed adjusting the dates for the contributors meetups to follow the same dates as the core contributors sprint, ie every two weeks. I have made the change on the calendar – if you spot any issue with it let me know. CC @jalondonot