Core Contributors Sprints

Happy New Year everyone :partying_face: :champagne:

Next sprint planning meeting this Friday

Reminder! The next sprint will start with the next sprint planning meeting, on Friday, January 7th at 14:00 UTC. It will be held in this Zoom room.

Sprint checkin

To save time during the meeting, the introductions have been moved to this thread Core Contributors Introduction Thread! (post yours if you havenā€™t already!) and Iā€™ll send a sprint checkin form via (make sure to monitor notifications from there). It will contain the following two questions:

  • What will you work on in the upcoming sprint, starting next week?
  • Any blockers, or anything that could help you?

Iā€™ll post the results here in a spreadsheet, and the ā€œblockersā€ will be what is being discussed during the meeting.

Updated agenda

1) Priority tasks

  • Review any urgent or important community task which are missing an assignee
  • Find assignees for each of them

2) Blockers

  • Review the list of blockers mentioned in the sprint planning checkin by anyone