So we are trying to import a course through the import option but it seems to be stuck on the “Unpacking” stage for a long time. We checked the logs too, but they don’t say anything useful that we can debug.
Processing: Screenshot 2021-10-07 164226.png…
2021-10-07 08:28:21,605 INFO 2378 [openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models] models.py:150 - Updating course overview for course-v1:KnE+CS101+2021_Oct.
2021-10-07 08:28:21,750 INFO 2378 [celery_utils.logged_task] logged_task.py:31 - Task lms.djangoapps.discussion.tasks.update_discussions_map[2539f456-cfc1-454b-b5d2-22e6e3e241d3] submitted with arguments [{'course_id': u'course-v1:KnE+CS101+2021_Oct'}], None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,795 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function listen_for_course_publish at 0x7fe777d624d0> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,798 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function _listen_for_course_publish at 0x7fe777b0c5d0> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,799 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function _listen_for_course_publish at 0x7fe777b106d0> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,799 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function update_block_structure_on_course_publish at 0x7fe777b19550> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,800 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function _listen_for_course_publish at 0x7fe777b1e050> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,800 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function update_discussions_on_course_publish at 0x7fe777acc850> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:21,800 INFO 2378 [xmodule.modulestore.django] django.py:198 - Sent course_published signal to <function trigger_update_xblocks_cache_task at 0x7fe777a8d150> with kwargs {'course_key': CourseLocator(u'KnE', u'CS101', u'2021_Oct', None, None)}. Response was: None
2021-10-07 08:28:38,449 INFO 2377 [contentstore.views.import_export] import_export.py:201 - Course import course-v1:KnE+CS101+2021_Oct: Upload complete