Course navigation sidebar on learning MFE


On previous versions of Open edX, there was a course navigation sidebar that allowed the users to navigate through the content of the course without the need to open a separate page to go to a particular section, subtection or unit, this feature was deprecated since 2017:

On current versions, this sidebar navigation can still be enabled on the legacy courseware using the Waffle flag course_experience.course_outline_page:


Right now there is no implementation for this feature on the new frontend-app-learning MFE. Our team is interested in bringing this feature back to the new frontend-app-learning MFE.

Our proposal it’s to implement a new MFE that will display the course outline. Here are some of the ideas of how this feature would work:

  • Create an new MFE to display the course outline as it is today (section and subsection), in a sidebar.
  • Clicking on a subsection will refresh the content page to display the 1st unit of the selected section-subsection.
  • Navigating through the content by clicking ‘next’ will update the sidebar when the user crosses between subsections (highlighting in bold the subsection).
  • Sidebar can be hidden/displayed, by clicking on the button.
  • Overlay completion marks (check mark).
  • Show % of units completed within subsection.

Would anyone be interested in bringing this feature to the learning MFE?, is there currently any planned implementation for this feature?.

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@kuipumu Have you found out if this sidebar navigation is available yet in the learning MFE?

Hi @Zachary_Trabookis, there is no way to enable it on the learning MFE, it war removed and only available on the legacy courseware. Currently my team is currently on the development of a sidebar navigation MFE that will be integrated on the learning MFE

@kuipumu Okay. Do you have a public repo for your work in-progress on this yet that I could reference?

@Zachary_Trabookis Right now there is no public repo and we still don’t know when we will reach that stage

Hi everyone, we’re starting to put together product documentation related to restoring the sidebar navigation.

If you have UX research or usecases please share them. I’ll capture the case for doing this in the wiki.

Thank you for taking the time to bring back the side menu. Removing it was an error in the first place and seemed to be motivated by technical consideration in detriment of user experience. Thank you!