Coursera or Udemy integration with Open edX LMS

Hi, We are planning to integrate Coursera or Udemy course catalog in our Open edX LMS.

As per my research, we can load courses in Open edX LMS using EdX Enterprise API. Is there any way to load Coursera and Udemy courses in Open edX LMS ?

Use cases like:
Use Case 1: Students can see Coursera or Udemy courses in Open edX. On click course, it’ll redirect to Coursera or Udemy site for course enrollment. In this case, there will be SSO between Open edX and Coursera/Udemy so users use the same login access.

Use Case 2: Students can see Coursera or Udemy courses in Open edX. On click course, it’ll open course details in Open edX and can enroll in the course. There should be APIs to get course content and show it in Open edX.

Has anyone done this type of integration?

We would love to get feedback on this. Any hints or ideas will be appreciated.


Hello everyone,

I have a few thoughts to add to the conversation. Firstly, it’s worth noting that both Coursera and Udemy offer APIs that allow integration with third-party learning management systems. This means that it is possible to build a custom integration between Open edX and either of these platforms.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that building a custom integration can be a significant undertaking, and will likely require the involvement of developers who are familiar with both Open edX and the Coursera or Udemy APIs.

One alternative to building a custom integration is to use a third-party tool that already provides integration between Open edX and Coursera or Udemy. For example, the edX to Coursera importer tool allows Open edX users to import Coursera courses into their Open edX instance.

I hope this information is helpful. Please Let me know if you have any thoughts on the topic.

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