Deprecation/Removal: edx-tools Repository

The edx-tools repository contains a bunch of old scripts that have not been kept up-to-date and have not been getting tagged for releases. Rather than continue to maintain this repo and its scripts in the openedx org. We will archive it and move it to the openedx-unsupported org.

If you know of any parts of this repo that are still in use, or have other concerns about this deprecation please chime in on the deprecation ticket: [DEPR]: edx-tools · Issue #43 · openedx/edx-tools · GitHub

The comment period will be until 2024-08-08T04:00:00Z at which point this DEPR will be accepted and the repository will be archived.

With no objections, this deprecation is accepted and the repository will be archived and moved to the openedx-unsupported github org.