(Kyle McCormick)
August 22, 2024, 2:42pm
Hi all, we are proposing to archive the registrar and frontend-app-program-console repositories. The comment period is open until 05 September. If there are no blocking concerns at that point, the repositories will be immediately archived.
opened 02:38PM - 22 Aug 24 UTC
### Proposal Date
### Target Ticket Acceptance Date
2024-09-… 05
### Earliest Open edX Named Release Without This Functionality
Archival on 2024-05-09 (These repos are not tagged in the Open edX release)
### Rationale
We do not believe anybody in the community other than 2U is using the [registrar]( micro-service nor its companion frontend [frontend-app-program-console]( This is based on informal conversations with community members as well as [a recent community outreach thread]( Furthermore, I have talked with @schenedx who is the 2U engineering director responsible for these repositories, and he signaled that he is supportive of deprecating them out of the Open edX project.
For context, the repositories' main features include:
* Configuring externally-managed degree programs (in Registrar's Django admin panel)
* Configuring API users who can manage those programs (in Registrar's Django admin panel)
* Bulk-enrolling students in degree programs and program-courses via an external ID, via HTTP API or CSV download/upload
* Realizing those into actual course enrollments as soon as a user with that SSO-associated external ID exists
* Bulk-fetching grades for students in program-courses, via HTTP API or CSV download
These features, while theoretically useful to community site operators, have not been reconciled with other similar Open edX concepts like Catalog programs, the generic external_id system, CourseRoles, or PendingUserEnrollments. Instead, Registrar and Program Console exist mostly as loosely-coupled integrations with their own set of bespoke concepts. Therefore, as we believe that only 2U is using it, it would make sense for them to take over management and maintenance via their own fork.
### Removal
Both repositories will be transferred to openedx-unsupported and then archived. Site operators who use Registrar and Program Console are encouraged to fork and continue maintenance in their own GitHub organization.
#### Note on program_enrollments
Registrar and Program Console are supported by the [edx-platform program_enrollments HTTP API and models]( We are **not** deprecating and removing program_enrollments just now as part of this ticket. However, in the future, we **may** use the removal of Registrar and Program Console as justification for deprecating program_enrollments, under the understanding that non-Core edx-platform features should be implemented as plugins.
### Replacement
### Deprecation
### Migration
No plan
### Additional Info
### Task List
- [ ] Move both repositories to openedx-unsupported and archive them
(Kyle McCormick)
September 11, 2024, 2:41pm
The deprecation was accepted and the registrar and frontend-app-program-console repositories were archived in openedx-unsupported · GitHub