Deprecation/Removal: VerifiedTrackCohort (DEPR#63)

Hello, community!

Currently, there is ongoing work on VerifiedTrackCohort removal.
The first part of that work - the removal of the actual VerifiedTrackCohort feature - was already done and merged to master.

The next step is the complete deletion of the verified_track_content application which will lead to the removal of the enrollment_track functionality (the Creating Course Content for Specific Enrollment Track feature).


As a result, the automatic separation of learners by the enrollment track (course mode) will not be available. So the only way to change content visibility by course group will be the Create Cohort-Specific Course Content feature.

Here is a DRAFT PR with planned changes.

Please, be welcome to comment on any concerns.

@Diana_Huang @feanil FYI


Question - what will happen to a course with content restricted using enrollment track groups after the enrollment track functionality is fully gone?

Concern - We have a lot of content leveraging this, so based on the answer to the question above it may be a heavy lift to adjust our whole catalog (which we would need to do fast or fully ahead of time, because we have mostly used the enrollment track group to hide non-problem content from auditors which might expose sensitive material like exam content.)


With these changes, your course units restricted to verified track learners will be hidden for all students (because groups will be removed, but course blocks will persist with their restriction rules).

Staff will see these units anyway. Additionally, the studio will not indicate which units have legacy restrictions for enrollment tracks (I mean you will not see a visibility restriction message below the unit).

This could be possibly solved by adding a management command to remove enrollment track restrictions from units.

Do you have any suggestions on what steps could ease your catalog adaptation to the enrollment_track removal?

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Oh no! we were just ramping up the use of this feature to hide exams from non-verified track. Are we to abandon this feature without a proper replacement?

Will there be fixes we can implement to identify course sections with these visibility restrictions?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience!

Considering that community actively using this feature the openedx team decided to leave it :muscle:

Corresponding PR will be closed.