Error installing open edx Juniper while upgrading from Ironwood to Juniper

We are currently using the Ironwood.master. We need to upgrade to the latest Juniper version. For that we will first need to upgrade to Juniper.2 and then to Juniper.3 according to the following topic:

So while installing Juniper.2 on the ubuntu server, I am getting the following error.

TASK [forum : install comments service bundle] *********************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “bundle install --deployment --path /edx/app/forum/.gem”, “delta”: “0:00:02.298979”, “end”: “2021-02-25 08:23:02.539841”, “msg”: “non-zero re turn code”, “rc”: 7, “start”: “2021-02-25 08:23:00.240862”, “stderr”: “”, “stderr_lines”: , “stdout”: “Fetching gem metadata from…\nYour bundle is locked to codecov (0.1.10), but that version could not be found\nin any of the sources listed in your Gemfile. If you haven’t changed sources,\nthat means the author of codecov (0.1.10) has removed it. You’ll need t o update\nyour bundle to a version other than codecov (0.1.10) that hasn’t been removed in\norder to install.”, “stdout_lines”: [“Fetching gem metadata from…”, “Your b undle is locked to codecov (0.1.10), but that version could not be found”, “in any of the sources listed in your Gemfile. If you haven’t changed sources,”, “that means the author of codecov (0.1.10 ) has removed it. You’ll need to update”, “your bundle to a version other than codecov (0.1.10) that hasn’t been removed in”, “order to install.”]}
RUNNING HANDLER [forum : restart the forum service] ****************************
to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/openedx_native.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=518 changed=182 unreachable=0 failed=1
Ansible failed!
Decoded error:
== cmd ===========================
bundle install --deployment --path /edx/app/forum/.gem
== msg ===========================
non-zero return code
== stdout ===========================
Fetching gem metadata from
Your bundle is locked to codecov (0.1.10), but that version could not be found
in any of the sources listed in your Gemfile. If you haven’t changed sources,
that means the author of codecov (0.1.10) has removed it. You’ll need to update
your bundle to a version other than codecov (0.1.10) that hasn’t been removed in
order to install.
Installation failed!
If you need help, see Connect - Open edX .
When asking for help, please provide as much information as you can.
These might be helpful:
Your log file is at /home/ubuntu/logs/install-20210225-075046.log
Your environment:

This error is due to codecov version (0.1.10) that is not available now.

How can we solve this error and upgrade to the latest version of Juniper?

Hello @Piyush_Nikam, to upgrade your instance from Ironwood, you don’t have to go through Juniper.2 and Juniper.3. You can directly upgrade to Juniper.master release.

The post you are referencing, suggests that you can not skip a whole release for the upgrade. And the issue you are facing has been resolved on the juniper.master release.

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Thanks @jramnai, I will try to install the latest version of Juniper and then migrate on it from Ironwood :hugs: