Error on running Open edX platform - dogwood devstack release

I am not being able to run Open edX platform - dogwood devstack release… It’s getting this error every time I tried to run the LMS… In this installation I have downloaded the box from the torrent present in I am following the steps of the dogwood manual ( and I am installing it on a Ubuntu 18.04.4 and I already tried to install on a MacOS Running Catalina 10.15.3 and it’s the same error… I already tied different versions of Dogwood and there’s always an error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong??

Commmand: paver devstack lms
Error: Command “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-gUn6m0-build

This is going to be really difficult: Dogwood is quite old (4 years exactly, yesterday). Plus, it was never run on Ubuntu 18.04. Certainly it will be hard to help if you don’t share the complete failure output.

Thanks in advance for the help.

output of the error:

pedrodias@pedrorosadodias:~/Desktop/devstack$ vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-23-generic x86_64)

  • Documentation:
    New release ‘14.04.3 LTS’ available.
    Run ‘do-release-upgrade’ to upgrade to it.

Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine.
Last login: Mon Feb 10 14:30:56 2020 from
vagrant@precise64:~ sudo su edxapp edxapp@precise64:~/edx-platform paver devstack lms
—> pavelib.servers.devstack
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_ruby_prereqs
Ruby prereqs unchanged, skipping…
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs
Node prereqs unchanged, skipping…
—> pavelib.prereqs.uninstall_python_packages
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs
pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/pre.txt
pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/github.txt
Command “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-gUn6m0-build

Captured Task Output:

—> pavelib.servers.devstack
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_ruby_prereqs
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs
—> pavelib.prereqs.uninstall_python_packages
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs
pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/pre.txt
pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check --exists-action w -r requirements/edx/github.txt

Build failed running pavelib.servers.devstack: Subprocess return code: 1

And it’s also important to refer that the platform is not being installed directly on Ubuntu 18.04.4 or MacOS (Catalina 10.15.3). It is running in a vagrant environment, the one shared in the oficial page with all the platform releases, so in my point of view it should theoretically work…