Existing translations not showing on some pages

Hi there. Since this is my first post on the community, nice to meet you all.

I have been trying to create a new theme for opendx using Indigo as base. It’s been working so far, I was able to change the color palette, and the watchthemes service has been delivering the UI updates. My only problem as the title suggests, is the translations, my target language (pt-br) already has some, which works fine on the /dashboard and /courses, but when it comes to /learning/course/course-v1 and /account, those translations arent there, even for components that were already translated on the previous pages, like the header and footer.

Also, I haven’t been able to find the respective folders for the components of those pages (/learning/course/course-v1 and /account) on the edx-platform source code, because since I’m changing the UI in general, I would need to modify things like the color palette on them as well, by recreating the pages on Indigo and applying the desired style, right?

Obs.: I was also able to add new translations to the initial pages by copying the files from edx-platform/conf/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES to TUTOR_ROOT/env/build/openedx/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, and on that folder changing them. I think I might be missing something.

Project versions:

  • edx-platform: open-release/quince
  • tutor: 17.0.3
  • tutor-indigo-17.3.0

Hi @Mikaio and welcome!

I think you are running into the fact that we have a base platform and multiple micro-frontends (MFEs) - for example, the courseware is part of the Learning MFE (GitHub - openedx/frontend-app-learning: Front-end for the Open edX course experience, implemented using React and Paragon.). I’m certain MFEs do translations differently than edx-platform, although I don’t know very much about MFEs.

I found this page which may be helpful: frontend-platform/docs/how_tos/i18n.rst at master · openedx/frontend-platform · GitHub

I hope someone more knowledgable can jump in and help but maybe that’s something to start with.


That definitely helps, I’ll be looking through those links. Thank you, @sarina.