Export Survey Results Not Working

Running Ironwood

Wondering if anyone has run into something similar and/or can point me to how to troubleshoot some more.

We have a survey component on each course, and can see the survey results in the UI, but clicking the Export results to CSV button appears to do nothing. Checking with Chrome Dev Tools I see the browser polling with a get_export_status every second.
The response to this is always:
{"export_pending": true, "last_export_result": null, "download_url": null}
Tailing the server logs, I see these requesting coming in, but I don’t see any logs about actually creating the CSV to download.

I’m a bit stuck with where to look next, any help would be appreciated!



@nrcook, I’m not intimately familiar with the survey block, but the logs are likely not under the main lms/edx.log which has logs from the main LMS process.

The CSV generation will be handled by a background task, and will be logged in the celery logs.
These are typically available under /edx/var/log/supervisor/ in a few files:

  • /edx/var/log/supervisor/lms_default_1-stderr.log
  • /edx/var/log/supervisor/lms_high_1-stderr.log
  • /edx/var/log/supervisor/lms_high_mem_1-stderr.log

Have you checked these logs as well? If not, are there any details or errors from the CSV generation for the survey results?

I have a similar issue.
Did you manage to resolve it.
Thank You

We had a similar issue a while back. Assuming we’re talking about the same survey…

We never got the Export results to CSV button to work, but were directed to Instructor Dashboard => Data Download to get the data. That seemed to work.

Good luck!

Thank you for you assistance will check