Failed to load SCORM content in iFrame

We have initialized an Open edX environment using Tutor in Kubernetes. We have uploaded a SCORM ZIP file, which I can see is stored in my storage provider. We are using MinIO as our storage solution. The problem is that when I try to load the content, I get a popup with the following error message:

Error grabbing 1.2 API-SecurityError: Failed to read a named property from 'Location': Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

I have looked through several discussions, but I cannot get it to work. Has anyone else faced this issue?

Sounds like something is trying to directly reference a frame that’s on a different subdomain, using a direct reference like parent or top or a frame’s name. Is this coming from the SCORM xblock library, JS in the SCORM content package, or something else?

@Tim_McCormack Thanks for your Reply. It seems like the issue is fixed in Tutor version 19.0.1.