How can you add additional feature in Open edX tutor

Hi @darsh_modi97 ,

Please look at to determine the correct package type for providing the features you want (and to reference in the file.

Because Tutor is a Docker-based implementation, you have to load it within that framework. Basically, you put the package in the requirements folder, put the reference in private.txt, and then rebuild. Once it installs and loads correctly, you can then work in the mounted requirements folder, and Open edX will recompile the Django package when a file is modified.

Tips for troubleshooting installing it:

  • I think that most packages install to path ~/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ in the running container. Tutor dev will link them to the mounted requirements folder using the .egg package information. You can check there to see if Tutor installed and linked it. See this post for creating an .egg-info package.
  • You can enter lms or cms shell. For example:
    tutor dev run lms bash
    ./ lms shell
    >> import xblock_name
    >> import xblock_name.file
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