How can you add django apps into tutor?

Before I explain my question in detail, I would like to inform you that this is a follow up question regarding my previous post in the discussion:

How can you add additional feature in Open edX tutor?

Now I know how to create django apps, the problem is… the instructions in adding it to an openedx instance is applicable to native installations only.

I receive instructions from other developers such as this below:

To Install:

  1. Install with pip install -e . within this folder within the edx platform virtual environment.
  2. Add “sparta_pages” to the “ADDL_INSTALLED_APPS” array in lms.env.json (you may have to create it if it doesn’t exist.)
  3. Run migrations.
  4. Start/restart the LMS.

Templates Directory

Add this to envs.common:

TEMPLATES_DIR = { … OPENEDX_ROOT / ‘features’ / ‘sparta-pages’ / ‘sparta_pages’ / ‘templates’, }


urlpatterns += [ url(r’', include(‘sparta_pages.urls’)), ]

Temporary Directory for manage command

Make ‘tempfiles’ in /home/ubuntu/


But this method does not work on tutor installation based on the documentation. I’ve read the Configuration and customisation — Tutor documentation](Configuration and customisation — Tutor documentation), but again, it is quite deep for me.

Can I receive help in a detailed instructions how I can add my django app into tutor?
Thank you in advanced.

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