How to keep old releases installable?

@nedbat I’ve been looking into this issue a bit and figuring out how we could help support this.

Currently, any PR opened by an OpenCraft team member against edx-platform automatically gets a sandbox created for it no matter what branch it targets. For other PRs this needs to be a manual process. We’re looking into automating this a bit to make it easier to manage.

Even once it’s automated though, here is the process it would need:

  • Any PR against an older release branch that needs a sandbox can get a specific label for this purpose (mainly to help us track them)
  • Once it’s ready for review and has a reviewer assigned, someone from OpenCraft can be pinged, and they will go through the process of setting up a sandbox
  • The sandbox will be linked to the ticket, and the reviewer’s GitHuh ssh key will be added to the sandbox.

Would the above process work for you?