How to manually delete certificates?

I have been able to create certificates manually via the certificate exceptions list on my Palm instance. However, for my test user account, the system seems to be jammed up, and it won’t generate certificates for only that account, for only a couple courses.

Is there a way I can forcibly delete the certificate for that user for a specific course and then try to re-run certificate creation? (Note: just re-running cert creation for everyone on the exception list doesn’t work, in that the user still shows up with no certificate.)

Hi @JS777,
Check your LMS Django admin site at admin/certificates/generatedcertificate/. There you can manage generated certificates.

That does indeed seem to be the correct location to find and delete certificates. So I deleted my test user’s cert and confirmed it disappeared, like this:

And then I selected to generate certificates for “All users on the Exception list who do not yet have a certificate”. And I confirmed it came back both here:

and at the Django admin URL.

But the user still sees

Also I confirmed the user is enrolled in “honor” mode and the course is giving out “honor” mode certs for other users fine.

Any ideas on how else to debug what’s going on with the cert for just this one test user? (There’s no obvious errors in the tutor logs…)

Is there maybe some other way than the studio page (e.g. via CLI) to force Open edX to update who’s supposed to have a cert for a given class?

Try recomputing grades with tutor local exec lms ./ lms compute_grades --courses <course id list>

No luck there. I think that’s because accounts that get manual certificate exceptions keep their 0% normally (i.e. it doesn’t like raise their grade to a passing grade, it just gives them a certificate.)

Any other ideas?

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