Hello, I would like to ask something, if you have faced the same issue before.
when I add users the exception list in order to give them a second chance to receive a ccertificate, they cannot see the view certificate on the progress but only on profil and dashboard. Is this a bug, or we should set something different?
It is available for users who have successfully completed the Mooc but not for those who I have added afterwords in order to give them a second chance, they can download it only from dashboard, or profile not from progress as others.
I received the following solution from a tutor user. So i post it here, for anyone else who have the same question:
Hi @stefanidi!
I think this is a misunderstanding of the feature “Set certificate exceptions”:
By adding a user to the exceptions list you verify that the learner is to be issued a certificate and the process generates a certificate for that user. They will not need to be shown the “Request Certificate” button. That only emerges for the user to self-generate a certificate after meeting grade limits.
If you wish to give the learner a new chance on course completion you will have to make changes to the submission dates of the course and/or do manual overrides on the tasks/exercises.
A generated certificate is displayed on the users /dashboard page in relation to the course - or under the user’s /profile page.
Thank you for the detailed answer. I’ve definitely misunderstood that.Now I’ve successfully made the changes to the submission dates of the course and/or do manual overrides on the tasks/exercises as you indicated from the Instructor> Student admin tab [LMS]/courses/[COURSE-ID]/instructor#view-student_admin and now the student can print his certificate from Progress too.
I will additionally add another way to regrade the user from ORA that we use in our case as this method is more explanatory for the user (and for us if we return to ORA in the future), but it is just for this specfic case.
Go to the final activity (Open Response Assessment)> Manage Individual Learners and paste it
Go to Submit Assessment Grade Override
Select “Absolutely” everywhere and “YES” in the last question, and write “After checking, the plan seems to meet the requirements.”
Click “Submit rating”
If we want, we can check if the problem was solved by putting the user’s email / username in the Instructor tab> Student Admin> View a specific learner’s grades and progress and clicking View Progress Page - there we logically see 100% progress and the button for confirmation