Import / Export Data from On Site Edx to Tutor OpenEdx in AWS

I have openedx install on ubunto 16.04 and I just installed an instance on AWS using tutor I am looking to move the database from one server to the next. I have a few questions

1, Where is the database located in tutor AWS.
2. I have the .sql backups from the old server, once imported what commands should I run to initialize the change without a break
3. Should I create a snapshot in AWS before these changes or take an AMI image?

This might help you: Making backups and migrating data — Tutor documentation
Always create snapshots/AMI before making big changes. I would prefer AMI for this kind of operation.

I have Open edX Eucalyptus Release running in house on ubunto 16.04.
I manage to retireve the mysqldump.sql files from that server

I installed a ned Olive Tutor release in AWS zero click installation
When I run mysql : Command ‘mysql’ not found, but can be installed with:

According to (Making backups and migrating data — Tutor documentation)
The dump.sql and dump.mongodb files will be located in $(tutor config printroot)/data/mysql and $(tutor config printroot)/data/mongodb .

When I try to browse to $(tutor config printroot)/data/mysql`
I am getting the following error
tutor config printroot: command not found
bash: cd: /data/mysql: No such file or directory

It is still not clear how I can replace the .sql file and restore the database.

Hi Kevin, I also created database dumps by referring to the same tutor documentation you’ve linked. I am using tutor 15.0.0 on my Ubuntu 20.04 AWS EC2 machine.
I think there are two possible reason you are not able to find those dump files

  1. You may be trying to access those files from the root user; make sure you are logged in as the correct user where your tutor installation is available; in my case, it was tutor. You can simply do sudu su tutor and then use cd $(tutor config printroot)/data/MONGO_OR_SQL_folderName

  2. Or you can provide a full path rather than using variables associated with the tutor.
    e.g., cd /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/data/