install edx-analytics-dashboard

Hello everyone.

I encountered an issue related to data while running insights from DevStack. My insights only show one course, whereas in the studio, there are three courses, but the course in insights is not present in the studio. I don’t know how to make insights display the correct courses with the studio.

Thank you for your help.


Can you check if you’ve ran the tasks again ?

If the tasks were ran at the time when there was only one course then there will be only 1 course shown.

Moreover can you check if you’ve included all the logs ?

If logs contain creation logs of only 1 course it’ll only be there.

Also check your tasks if you are including all the logs files such as .gz files as well and not only .log file.

Hello Chintan,

I have executed all the related tasks, but the data for courses in the studio and insights still doesn’t match. I don’t know if there is any way to configure them to match each other.

Thank you.

In that case your log files might not be updated or something like that.

You can share the command you ran and the output for the same.

This is my insights log file, it seems to have some kind of error.

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