Integration points for exporting grades (to Canvas)

A couple of years ago, MIT developed a basic integration with Canvas, making it possible for us to export grades from open edX into the campus Canvas gradebook and import course enrollment lists. We have been maintaining this code in our own fork, which requires significant effort to update with each named release.

We would like to convert this feature into a plugin, but there are a couple of sticking points:

  1. The instructor dashboard isn’t extensible without forking. We use the instructor dashboard to provide the UI for course staff to export grades to Canvas.
  2. There’s no way to manage a course advanced settings without forking. We use a course advanced setting to configure the integration. In particular we use it to specify the course ID in Canvas that we are connecting to.

These issues lead us to some questions for the community:

  1. Are there any plans to make the instructor dashboard configurable, and usable for plugins?
  2. Can we leverage the recent work on Course App Configurations to allow us to plugin in a custom advanced setting (e.g. “Canvas Course ID”). (related: will Course App Configurations be part of the maple release?)