Is there anyway to increase the timeout

Hello everyone
I’m using tutor 13 and some of our users are having timeout issue

Is there anyway to increase the timeout instead of showing an error immediately?

Hello @tomg10,

Yes, you can increase the timeout in Caddy like below in your Caddyfile (it is better to patch your Caddyfile but I don’t know how to patch it):

# Global configuration
    servers {
        timeouts {
            read_body 900s
            read_header 900s

Here, in the above snippet, I have increased read timeout but you can set your required timeout using the following reference documentation of Caddy.



Thank you , I will check it

what about oauth
is there any way to increase oauth token expiry time ?

Hello @tomg10, you can increase the OAuth expiration token by adding in the platform LMS configuration:


For example, If you want one year.

If you are using Tutor you can add that in openedx-lms-common-settings patch in a Tutor plugin, and that’s it :blush:
