LaTeX support in Open edX Platform

Quick question. Does OpenEDX support LaTeX in course material authoring?

Thanks in advance,

Quick answer: Yes


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Mathjax works very nice.

Besides mathjax, I saw in the manual that it’s possible to insert LaTeX components. I followed the instructions and got: Error: cannot connect to latex2edx server. Do you know how to make it work?

Unfortunately, that latex2edx server is maintained by a professor at MIT, and it’s down more often than not. It relies on a 3rd party service, so it’s not the most reliable choice.

Can you say more about what you are trying to do? I might have some more viable suggestions.

Thanks Peter for your response!
Actually, I am browsing the user manual. I’m looking for the features that are there and seeing if they can be activated. I guess this LaTeX feature should be removed from the manual, and replaced by MathJax.

Down for me too during Nutmeg Testing TC_AUTHOR_135

@Andres.Aulasneo is this the documentation you are referring to?

Yes, and also this: 8.1. Working with Text Components — Building and Running an edX Course documentation