We need help urgently.
Our learners are not able to view the next course even if the prerequisite is met.
We have checked all around, and we can’t identify why Openedx is behaving like this.
Can someone please help us in fixing this issue.
I am okay to get on a call as well from Openedx support team. But we couldn’t find their customer support number anywhere.
Really having a bad experience right now.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi @swapnil, the Open edX platform doesn’t have a formal support team, aside from getting help here. Instead, there’s a vendor marketplace you can visit to get help from a number of qualified Open edX vendors. Alternatively, you could share more details about your issue here, including detailed descriptions, code and/or screenshots, and community members might be able to help.
Please see this thread: After sets Prerequisite Course the next course not geting unlocked even if the user completed full course in Open edx Why?
You might be facing the same issue, which has to do with issuing certificates for course completion.