It’s been 2 months since Lilac.1, and we’re right on time with another point release: Lilac.2! The Build-Test-Release group has just tagged open-release/lilac.2
. It contains the following changes, as compared with Lilac.1:
---- ./blockstore ----
---- ./configuration ----
e42a03be1 2021-08-09 sarina: build: add edx-community-bot workflow
9cf220a56 2021-07-27 nadeemshahzad: use wildcard to select available subversion of mysql
91f966f04 2021-07-20 Joseph Mulloy: Bump mysql version
9c9cb02b6 2021-07-19 ha-D: fix: increase systemd timeout for starting ES
611048add 2021-07-19 ha-D: fix: update ES config to work with newer versions
a0b100ba2 2021-07-15 Matjaz Gregoric: Specify mongo replica set protocolVersion. (#6468)
8e2c77b2f 2021-07-06 Sofiane Bébert: Unindent a few entries that needd to be unindented (#6450) (#6467)
a8bac55aa 2021-06-16 Gábor Boros: refactor: use pip package install and rename task
aee5a3b24 2021-06-16 Gábor Boros: refactor: rename to
c5cfc44e8 2021-06-09 Gábor Boros: fix: run celerybeat only once and on one instance
efc0d4042 2021-05-27 Gábor Boros: refactor: use boolean flag to enable or disable celery beat
777f4994d 2021-05-27 Gábor Boros: refactor: use boolean flag to enable or disable celery beat
68493ee7c 2021-05-20 Gábor Boros: chore: remove comment
3cdc13a4e 2021-05-16 Gábor Boros: feat: add celerybeat configuration
8e60b7def 2021-06-18 nadeemshahzad: fix: ecommerce Docker CI build
b32527cb2 2021-06-03 Matjaz Gregoric: Add CREDENTIALS_BASE_URL to MFE environment.
---- ./course-discovery ----
---- ./credentials ----
---- ./cs_comments_service ----
---- ./devstack ----
c65e61a 2021-08-03 sarina: build: add edx-community-bot workflow
---- ./ecommerce ----
---- ./ecommerce-worker ----
---- ./edx-analytics-configuration ----
---- ./edx-analytics-dashboard ----
---- ./edx-analytics-data-api ----
---- ./edx-analytics-pipeline ----
---- ./edx-app-android ----
---- ./edx-app-ios ----
---- ./edx-certificates ----
---- ./edx-demo-course ----
---- ./edx-developer-docs ----
---- ./edx-documentation ----
f4e69088 2021-06-17 Ned Batchelder: fix: correct .rst bullets and micro-frontend spelling
d70461ce 2021-06-09 Adolfo R. Brandes: docs: Adds Tutor as a supported installation method (#1952)
---- ./edx-e2e-tests ----
53ee68f 2021-08-03 sarina: build: add edx-community-bot workflow
---- ./edx-notes-api ----
---- ./edx-platform ----
f1e2d96367 2021-08-03 =Awais Jibran: Fix discussion XSS issue
762b759bdd 2021-06-21 Alfred Chavez: feat: redirect to 'contact' page if zendesk url is not defined
1400354396 2021-08-02 stvn: fix(ci): move github workflow to correct location
5d786503b1 2021-07-28 stv: build: add edx-community-bot workflow
0b9f9f8687 2021-07-30 Julia Eskew: chore: Bump version of django-wiki to 1.0.2.
d6077850a8 2021-07-27 Julia Eskew: feat: Add token which disables different origin subframe dialog suppression for Chrome version 92. This token is added to the courseware iFrame, which enables the iFrame to retain the ability to summon modals & alerts - or open new windows via JS. This token has a limited lifespan - it currently expires around Dec 14, 2021. The common token can be overridden using ENV_TOKENS.
60cd1d13a4 2021-07-23 Farhaan Bukhsh: fix: Passwored reset page throwing page not found error (#28204)
ed9f6c445d 2021-07-01 Feanil Patel: Merge pull request #28066 from edx/feanil/arch-1821-alternative
6aa09dea3a 2021-07-16 David Ormsbee: Revert "perf: avoid invoking codejail for problem response report" (#27310) (#28206)
c79e64a3e3 2021-05-05 João Cabrita: fix: Produce grade report when subsections have future start dates
16b6d2e87c 2021-06-21 Ali-D-Akbar: fix: mishandled xss change
---- ./enterprise-catalog ----
---- ./frontend-app-account ----
---- ./frontend-app-gradebook ----
---- ./frontend-app-learning ----
---- ./frontend-app-profile ----
---- ./frontend-app-publisher ----
---- ./frontend-app-support-tools ----
---- ./frontend-template-application ----
---- ./license-manager ----
---- ./repo-tools ----
---- ./testeng-ci ----
---- ./xqueue ----
---- ./frontend-app-payment ----
---- ./frontend-app-ecommerce ----