Migrate of juniper for redwood

Hello community, i hope you are well!

I have a production server at the company I work for that is running Open edX in the Juniper version. We are looking to update this server with the redwood version.

The problem is that the Juniper version was not installed with the tutor, which makes migration difficult.

We are looking for ways to carry out this migration and some questions arise about this:

  • Is there database compatibility between the Juniper and Redwood versions?

  • Is there any documentation that talks about migrating a version installed without the tutor to another version?

Thank you in advance for your attention, any information will be relevant!

There are other threads where people discuss moving from a non-Tutor to a Tutor version. This is the first thread I found: Migration path ironwood.master native installtion to tutor olive

Thank you very much Sarina. I managed to understand a solution!

Please check this out; might be helpful for your upgrade.
