Open edX Conference 2022 - Feedback Thread

While bringing up some feedback about the conference in the Contributors Meetup, it seemed like we don’t yet have a place to post the feedback about the conference – so here it is :slight_smile: If you have some, take a few minutes to post it, it will help with iterating, and becoming ever more perfect ;p


And I’ll start by saying that it had been way too long since last time! :slight_smile: It was a really nice feeling, to be able to be immersed in the community in person again, and to have conversations while seeing each other in 3D. :goggles: :smiley:

There was also a lot of energy in the discussions, I felt we made a lot of progress in understanding the changes that the project are undergoing currently with the tCRIL/2U split, how unique the opportunity is, how great its potential rewards, and that successfully navigating it will require to step up in our roles throughout the community. The discussions organized by @sarina at the birds of a feather, and by Tobie Langel after his keynote (which is worth a watch, when its video recording is published), contributed a lot to build that understanding.

One regret I had while being there was to not be able to interact or include more the people who were attending remotely. Not having been in the same room in almost three years, we weren’t used anymore to the difficulty of including remote Zoom attendees in in-person conversations. It didn’t look fun for the remote attendees, and we also lost some of the benefits we are used to from Zoom/Hangout meetings for transparency & async consumption, such as streaming or instant video recordings availability.

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Gather Town would be a great addition for the 2023 conference.