Open edX Contributors Meetup

Hi all! Here is the recap from the meeting we held on 2022-05-03.

Video Recording



Meeting notes

2. Working Groups Follow-Ups:

Marketing (@Eden_Huthmacher @estebanetcheverry ):

BTR (@nedbat @Dean ):

  • The Nutmeg testing process advance is around 58.1%. During the next days, the number of test cases will increase to widen the scope of the testing process.

  • Request for help:
    Dean asks for help to upgrade Tutor plugins. They require some collaboration from the community to test them. Dean has already reached out to Regis to clarify the next steps on this point. He also found some resources that might be useful if you are interested to help:

    *How to upgrade a Tutor plugin - Maintainers - Overhang.IO

    Tutor plugins:

We need volunteers to upgrade the rest of the plugins. You can upgrade a plugin, and optionally you can also become the maintainer of that plugin for future versions! :slight_smile:

  • cookiecutter-tutor-plugin ( :broken_heart: Not yet upgraded. Maintainer: Kyle McCormick)
  • tutor-android ( :broken_heart: Not yet upgraded. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-discovery ( :white_check_mark: Already upgraded to Nutmeg. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-ecommerce ( :white_check_mark: There is a pending Pull Request from Pierre, tbc if it worked. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-forum ( :white_check_mark: Already upgraded to Nutmeg by maintainer Ghassan Maslamani)
  • tutor-indigo 1 ( :broken_heart: Not yet upgraded. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-mfe ( :white_check_mark: Already upgraded to Nutmeg by Régis and the new maintainer is Adolfo Brandes)
  • tutor-minio ( :man_technologist: Not yet upgraded but eduNEXT is working on it (Jhony). Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-notes ( :white_check_mark: Already upgraded to Nutmeg. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-webui ( :broken_heart: Not yet upgraded. Maintainer: Régis temporary)
  • tutor-xqueue ( :man_technologist: Not yet upgraded but eduNEXT is working on it (Felipe and Gonzalo). Maintainer: Régis temporary)

Frontend (@arbrandes):

  • They are planning to change to time for people to be able to join more easily. Stay tuned!

Data (@Andres.Aulasneo ):

  • They held the wg meeting at Open edX Con. It seems there were many newcomers that would help the group to work on the sprint 0 and have a clear work roadmap.

DEPR (@feanil @dave @idegtiarov ):

Product (@jmakowski):

  • They finally held their first meeting during the conference!
  • Several interesting and deep topics were discussed at this meeting, such as the core of the platform and product definition, the decision process definition, and what the next steps are for this working group to push the product roadmap and ensure the discussion around it keeps moving forward. You might find the meeting notes interesting in case you did not have the chance to attend :slight_smile:
  • If you are interested in participating, please do not forget to answer the survey Jenna created to determine the best time for the meetings to come.

3. Open edX Con:

  • There seems to be a consensus among the community that it went really well!
  • Notes from the Friday discussion of Tobie Langel’s points
  • Xavier prepared a thread to gather some of the feedback people might have about the Open edX Con. Please let the community know how it went for you to make sure we keep improving this event which remains to be a key space for the community.

4. Projects:

5. Improvements and Calls/offers for help (@antoviaque)

  • Xavier has prepared a great recap of what was discussed at this point of the meeting:

6. Additional Topics

TOC Follow-up (@antoviaque @Andres.Aulasneo ):

  • There have been 2 informal meetings, to get to know each other a little bit better
  • The members have different backgrounds and perspectives that could enrich the discussion
  • It is still at the introductory stage. No big decisions have been made yet.
  • It would be great if we can increase the engagement of the TOC members inviting them to join the contributors’ meetup from time to time. Xavier will bring this up to the next TOC meeting.

Last Wednesday was the 7th anniversary of EDUlib! congratulations to @sambapete and all the people involved :smiley:

Next meetup