Open edX Contributors Meetup

New meeting time!

We are currently considering moving the contributors meetup to a different time. So if you have been considering joining the meetup, but it was always at an inconvenient time, here is your chance.

Vote here by Wednesday Nov 25th (end of day)

Edit: Done! The new meeting time is on Monday at 15:00 UTC, every two weeks. The next meeting time is thus November 30th at 15:00 UTC (Timezone converter)

(Also let me know if you don’t already receive the meeting invite.)

Video recording

The recording of the meeting from Thursday:


Since we have discussed linking to the forum profiles of the participants, I’m actually starting a list of participants to the last meeting here. Click on a name to read the participant’s profile:

(If you were attending and don’t see your name in the list, please let me know your username so I can add it.)


The list of topics from yesterday’s agenda:

Details & chat logs:

Next meetup: November 30th at 15:00 UTC (Timezone converter)

Details and draft agenda: