The Marketing Group (an active working group managed by the community and consisting of Open edX providers and edX support) are happy to announce the publication of the Open edX Feature-Benefits-List.
On the Open edX website the list can be reached under the following link:
The feature list is intended to offer the best overview about all features covered by the software ecosystem. Furthermore, this list should provide help for decision makers, project manager, technical consultants, L&D, developers, course creators etc. to get started with Open edX.
The Feature-Benefits-List was developed in the Marketing Working Group that meets every two weeks. []. The list is more an ongoing process and we will do our best to keep the list always up-to-date.
Feel free to ask the community or help us to provide a good experience using it.
We are open for any question and we need your feedback in order to improve it.
We would also be happy if the list is actively distributed, feel free to share.