During the “Open edX Contributors Meetup” over the last weeks the group discussed to spend some effort improving marketing events related to Open edX.
We agree with the fact that the Open Source Open edX brand and solution should be more visible and become knows. Decision-makers should find more structured information about the solution as a short description, as a presentation with features, as a comparison with other products etc. etc… Anyone interested who does not want to know technical aspects should be able to quickly understand the product, its use, the advantages and disadvantages of the software. If there is a further interest in solution the documentation can also be helpful, but the fancy features and added value of the platform should be presented much faster and more attractively.
Of course, it does not mean that the website is not attractive, but there is much more to say about Open edX. We all as service providers have a deep knowledge into Open edX from the business side and from our experience customizing the plattform and the idea in this channel is to share our knowledge, structured it and create values to add on the website or on other open channels to define.
The first draft of ideas distributed over 4 topic is
Open edX Website (under control of edX)
- Improve the list under “Marketplace”; Who and which companies are already using Open edX? – Increase the awareness
- Create and publish a full Moodle vs. Open edX or Canvas vs. Open edX comparison chart
- Offer Free Trials
- Offer a technical and understandable spec of the product
Open edX Training (controlled by edX, community and marketing groups)
- Continuous supplementation of the training material for developer, devops and front-end developer.
- we can create courses
- we can offer more training in different countries and locations
- we can offer training during sprints
- more training during the conference
- Support for Newbies, IRC Channel?
Open edX on digital publications (controlled by marketing groups & edX)
- Increase the channel of information, where decision makers can find the latest information about the product Open edX
- Increase comparisons concerning the current lms market, learning management tools, best practices of elearning platforms etc; Which LMS suits your needs best (Raccoongang, 2018)
- Publish more reviews from use cases
Review Betterbuys
51 Reviews by Gartner but not on the list for corporate learning
other local selected country sites for German, UK, US, Spain, France, Ukraine etc.
Conference, Meet-Ups, Hackathon, Events etc.
- The product Open edX itself should be more present in general but especially on small and bigger e-learning conferences/events/meeting
- Python, Python US, Europython
- Local events
- Webinars
It could be also great to work on the new feature list adding more details, supported or not supported features, integrations, new features like " prerequisites, learner progress tracking and completion API, override learner scores, GDPR support, video transcription etc. etc".https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GzPtK8_fuKryay-mgshY6XnUOGyCJDpNor9PxkK2gJI/edit?usp=sharing
We will communicate asap here a first meeting to start with our work. Please let me know who is interested in it and who has time to spend to prepare the material together.
Suggestion: every two weeks we could meet 30min. earlier as the Contributors Meetup