Open edX Platform in SINGAPORE

Hi, am a newbie here. I’ve been tasked to develop an Learning Platform to one of the largest organisations in Singapore using Open edX and I would love to connect with the developer community here. Anyone interested in working with Singapore?


Hi @PhilipWu! Welcome to Open edX!

How do you plan to start with this project? I’m guessing that you’re a software engineer, correct?

Hi Omar!!

I was just speaking with Edward about you!! We were talking about the onboarding courseware project u are driving!


:slightly_smiling_face: I guess you’ve got the link already, in case you didn’t here it is:

Yes, I Think we have the link Omar!

We are likely to be working on a platform soon!

Can I introduce you to our director of learning design, Gemma?

We would love to contribute to the development of the courseware as we would be the first to use it to onboard our own engineering team! Lol

me! i’m Malaysia, and it will be great if we can do colabs our for south region? :wink:

oh i just realised , it is 2021 :frowning: