Open-release/koa.master intallation error: Certs: ERROR (already started)

I am trying to do a fresh install for Open edX open-release/koa.master and I am getting certs: ERROR (already started)

TASK [certs : Ensure certs has started] ****************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "certs: ERROR (already started)\n"}

RUNNING HANDLER [forum : restart the forum service] ****************************

RUNNING HANDLER [nginx : reload nginx] *****************************************

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=630  changed=432  unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=1258 rescued=0    ignored=5

Ansible failed!

Decoded error:
== msg ===========================
certs: ERROR (already started)

Installation failed!
If you need help, see .
When asking for help, please provide as much information as you can.
These might be helpful:
    Your log file is at /home/edxadmin/logs/install-20220117-070949.log
    Your environment:

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